Computer and Information SciencesBlogger


Rants, raves (and occasionally considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter feed.
ISSN 2051-8188. Written content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
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How to cite: Page, R. (2023). A taxonomic search engine. Tony Rees commented on my recent post Ten years and a million links. I’ve responded to some of his comments, but I think the bigger question deserves more space, hence this blog post. Tony’s comment {#tony’s-comment} My response I think there are several ways to approach this.


One thing about ChatGPT is it has opened my eyes to some concepts I was dimly aware of but am only now beginning to fully appreciate. ChatGPT enables you ask it questions, but the answers depend on what ChatGPT “knows”. As several people have noted, what would be even better is to be able to run ChatGPT on your own content. Indeed, ChatGPT itself now supports this using plugins.


This is just some random notes on an “ideal” taxonomic journal, inspired in part by some recent discussions on “turbo-taxonomy” (e.g., and, and also examples such as the Australian Journal of Taxonomy which seems well-intentioned but limited.


I tweeted about this but want to bookmark it for later as well. The paper “A molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland” doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13510 contains the following: I think this is a very clever way to characterise the project. In an age of machine learning this may be commonest way to share knowledge , namely as expert-labelled training data used to build tools for others.


I've been thinking a bit about how one could use a Markdown wiki-like tool such as Obsidian to work with taxonomic data (see earlier posts Obsidian, markdown, and taxonomic trees and Personal knowledge graphs: Obsidian, Roam, Wikidata, and Xanadu). One "gotcha" would be how to name pages.