Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in quantixed

There’s plenty of guides to getting going on Mastodon, aimed at people leaving Twitter. I just wanted to post a couple of technical points about making the switch that might be of interest to people who maintain webpages with Twitter content (feeds, embeds). Mastodon status updates (feed/timeline) Twitter provided a widget that meant that an account’s timeline could be embedded on a website.

Published in tarleb
Author Albert Krewinkel

Setting the document font this way works for ConTeXt, LaTeX, and HTML output. The fonts used in docx or odt output must be controlled with the reference document instead. The default LaTeX engine is pdflatex, which only supports TeX’s own font format and cannot use the TrueType or OpenType fonts installed on the system. However, XeLaTeX was written with that in mind; switching to that engine allows to specify any font available on the system.

Published in tarleb
Author Albert Krewinkel

Setting the document font this way works for ConTeXt, LaTeX, and HTML output. The fonts used in docx or odt output must be controlled with the reference document instead. The default LaTeX engine is pdflatex, which only supports TeX’s own font format and cannot use the TrueType or OpenType fonts installed on the system. However, XeLaTeX was written with that in mind; switching to that engine allows to specify any font available on the system.

Published in
Author David Pachali

Soll HTML als Standard des offenen Web Kopierschutz unterstützen? Schon seit einiger Zeit wird darüber nicht nur in den Kreisen des Web-Gremiums W3C erbittert diskutiert. Genau genommen geht es um „Encrypted Media Extensions” – Schnittstellen, über die kopiergeschützte Inhalte auch direkt im Browser abspielbar werden sollen. Netflix, Microsoft und Google haben dazu einen Entwurf vorgelegt.

Published in tarleb
Author Albert Krewinkel

Spam just doesn’t die. Every major mail provider has really good spam filters in place, as do the common mail clients. Nontheless, there seem to be enough people reading – and acting on – spam mail to make it a profitable business. No matter how much we hate it, we need to deal with spam. Better than having a good spam filter is not to be spammed in the first place.

Published in tarleb
Author Albert Krewinkel

Spam just doesn’t die. Every major mail provider has really good spam filters in place, as do the common mail clients. Nontheless, there seem to be enough people reading – and acting on – spam mail to make it a profitable business. No matter how much we hate it, we need to deal with spam. Better than having a good spam filter is not to be spammed in the first place.