Rogue Scholar Posts


It was 2015, a Political Science master’s student had to process data to hand in his thesis and decided to take the opportunity to learn how to use R. To the long and winding road of the academic requirement was added an extra degree of difficulty: incorporating programming software from scratch, with a somewhat steep learning curve.

Maintaining a package can be a lonesome activity, which sometimes poses a problem if you prefer team work or if you encounter a very thorny-for-you problem.Beside belonging to a supportive community of maintainers (like rOpenSci 😉), for collaborative help and commiseration you can try to build a community of contributors around your package!In this post, we’ll explore one tool helping you towards that goal: “help wanted” issues, with which your

Summary Installing a package that has just been released to CRAN is painful for many users on Mac and Windows because often the difference between a ‘binary’ and a ‘source’ version is not immediately clear and they end up trying to install the source version, which leads to errors and heartbreak.When I was designing The Carpentries Workbench, I needed to make sure that people could reliably install R packages at any time

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Jeroen Ooms

Introducing shortlinks! On r-universe you can find package repositories from many different organizations and maintainers. But sometimes you just want to lookup a particular CRAN package, without knowing the developer.The new shortlink service lets you navigate or link directly to the r-universe homepage and docs of any established CRAN package.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Jeroen Ooms

Downloading repository snapshots The new snapshot API lets you download a full copy of any CRAN-like repository on r-universe. You can use such a snapshot to mirror the entire CRAN-like repository on your own servers, or for example to build a stable, validated release of your package suite. The API endpoint is simply /api/snapshot and has several options to filter content.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Jeroen Ooms

How packages appear in r-universe Last month we explained how r-universe makes it easy to search and browse through the countless R packages, articles, and datasets to let you discover and learn new things. We are continuously growing this database by adding more R projects, to guide you through everything the R ecosystem has to offer. Currently r-universe is tracking and indexing of over 18.000 R packages.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Jeroen Ooms

Finding the right tool for the job The hardest part about effectively using R is finding the best packages for the problem you are trying to solve. I think this is even more important than being fluent in the language itself, which you will pick up along the way as you start using R more frequently. However, building your code on reliable foundations is essential for good results, and difficult to fix later on in a project.