Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in
Author Georg Fischer

Open Educational Resources (OER) lassen sich leicht nachnutzen – sofern man ein paar Punkte beachtet. Till Kreutzer geht im Erklärvideo von OERinfo auf die korrekte Kennzeichnung von Autor*in, Titel, Fundstelle und Lizenzhinweis ein und zeigt, wie man Bearbeitungen am besten kennzeichnet. Paul Klimpel und Till Kreutzer arbeiten als Anwälte bei iRights.Law und engagieren sich als Autoren bei

In the latest episode of “Breitband” on Deutschlandfunk Kultur, there is an interview with Dorothea Strecker from our research group at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science on shadow libraries (Belanger 2024). The occasion for the interview was the lawsuit for damages against LibGen in the United States.

Together with Christian Agi, Michael Beurskens, Marion von Francken, Judith Ludwig, and Bernhard Mittermaier, I have been working on recommendations for the inclusion of artificial intelligence in license agreements with publishers over the past few months.

Authors Catharina Ochsner, Heinz Pampel, Evin Dalkilic, Martin Fenner, Mareike König, Ulrike Stockhausen

Scholarly blogs can disseminate current research content quickly and beyond their own specialist community and put it up for discussion. Open communication without paywalls increases the visibility of scholarly research. Researchers as well as information infrastructure and cultural institutions therefore have an interest in supporting scholarly blogs as an Open Access publication format.

Published in Lucidarios

Después de Jakob Nachbin –cuya inesperada muerte dejó trunco su trabajo sobre el Lucidario –, la crítica no ha prestado atención a la autoría de esta obra, con la excepción de Ana Montero, quien en su tesis doctoral aludía a la prominencia de Juan Gil de Zamora en el entorno cortesano de Sancho IV. Montero vio este rol como un elemento a favor de la tesis de la autoría egidiana de la obra, pero al mismo tiempo reconocía que la forma de

Published in
Author Georg Fischer

Welche Lizenz für meine OER? Was ist von der CC-Lizenz genau umfasst? Im Erklärvideo von OERinfo beantwortet Paul Klimpel zentrale und oft gestellte Fragen zur richtigen Lizenz für offene Lehrmaterialien. Paul Klimpel und Till Kreutzer arbeiten als Anwälte bei iRights.Law und engagieren sich als Autoren bei In fünf frisch produzierten Videos erklären sie, wie Open Educational Resources (OER) und das Urheberrecht zusammenhängen.

Published in Konrad Hinsen's blog

This is a contribution to the Challenge problem: Fearless extensibility by the Malleable Systems Collective. As superheroes know very well, with great power comes great responsibility. Malleable systems offer a lot of power to their users. In exchange, users have to take responsibility for the system they have tailored to their needs, since there is nobody else to blame.

Published in Research Software Alliance
Author Research Software Alliance

Image credit: SciLifeLab By Michelle Barker, Chris Erdmann, Eric Jensen, Kim Hartley, Anna Henriksson, Suné Joubert October 2024 The 2024 International Research Software Funders Workshop continued to progress the way funders sustain and support research software.

Published in Math ∩ Programming
Author Jeremy Kun

Kristin Lauter and her colleagues at Facebook esearch recently announced a project to benchmark attacks against LWE. The announcement was on the post-quanum crypto mailing list. They state: “Our approach is motivated by the need to study more carefully the effect on security of using small secrets and small error in standardized LWE settings like Kyber and Homomorphic Encryption.