Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

This one hardly needs making. I found it by accident when we roasted a chicken this Sunday. As we were tearing the carcass apart like a pack of hyaenas, I noticed that one of the wings had a nice, distinct thumb claw. Here it is in a big plastic bowl in the kitchen — shown this way to emphasize its mundanity.

Published in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

Comparison of content from the global research infrastructure retrieved from CHORUS and the NSF Public Access Repository indicates that using current infrastructure effectively could significantly increase PAR content and, subsequently, our understanding of the impact of NSF funding across many domains.

Published in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

Version 4.5 of the DataCite Metadata Schema\ includes several changes supporting the identification and description of instruments. Several DataCite members were describing instruments in DataCite metadata before this capability was introduced and others are beginning to do it now. These existing efforts can inform the development of community conventions and help the broader community understand how to use instrument metadata effectively.

Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

Luke Horton asked in a comment on a recent post: Given the chance to examine a titanosaur cadaver with your hypothetical army of anatomists, what would you look for first? *FACEPALM* How we’ve gone almost 17 years without posting about a hypothetical sauropod dissection is quite beyond my capacity.

Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

[This post received first place in the 2024 Blog Extravaganza at Adam Mastroianni’s Experimental History. Many thanks, Adam!] I first had this thought in 2019, and I started this draft in early 2020, but…you know how that particular story turned out. I’m picking it back up again now because I’ve had the titular point reinforced on several trips and projects over the past couple of years.