Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Jeroen Ooms

Two new packages! We released two new packages that we are using in r-universe to render package documentation: postdoc and prismjs. The goal of postdoc is very simple: generate beautiful single-page package manuals in HTML format. Postdoc uses our prismjs and katex packages for server-side highlighting and math.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Dan Sholler

A growing community of scientists from a variety of disciplines is moving the norms of scientific research toward open practices. Supporters of open science hope to increase the quality and efficiency of research by enabling the widespread sharing of datasets, research software source code, publications, and other processes and products of research.

Published in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Author Karthik Ram

The rOpenSci project based at the University of California, Berkeley seeks to hire a postdoctoral scholar to work on the research activities funded by the grant titled “Fostering the next generation of sustainable software and reproducible research practices in the scientific community”. The project develops open source software to promote reproducible research practices in the scientific community.