Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

About a month ago, I attended (thanks Sloan Foundation!) the Scientific Software Registry Collaboration Workshop, which had very interesting discussions. While there, I continued thinking about how software should be cited, focusing on open source. My thinking was certainly influenced by talking with Anita Bandrowski, Bryce Mecum, Shelley Stall, Katrina Fenlon, and Carly Robinson at the workshop.

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

by Daniel S. Katz and Kenton McHenry We typically think of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) as working to support one or more researchers, either one-on-one or through a university’s centralised RSE group. We’ll call this the traditional RSE role, while being fully aware how ironic this phrase is. Simon Hettrick has used the following image, where “Here” indicates where the RSE fits between software engineering and research.

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

As some may know, the first image of a black hole was announced April 10. This quickly led to a lot of different institutions explaining how they were involved (e.g., my own University of Illinois), as well as a bunch of software projects explaining how their software was used (e.g., Matplotlib). Those of us concerned with open source research software and its sustainability are trying to raise the profile of such software in research.

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

While preparing for a workshop that the URSSI project is hosting on software credit today, I started thinking again about a recent blog by Titus Brown, “Revisiting authorship, and JOSS software publications.” Titus says, “fundamentally, in order to nurture a diverse array of valuable scientific contributions, we need new models of publication with new models of authorship,” a statement with which I strongly agree, and in fact, part of the

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

This blog post is intended as companion text for a talk I gave at the September 2018 NumFOCUS Project Forum in in New York, though I also hope it stands on its own. To address software sustainability, it is important first to understand how the term sustainability is used more generally.  It’s most often used in the context of ecology, often specifically in the relationship between humans and the planet.

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

Inspired by talks at the International Workshop on Science Gateways a few weeks ago, in particular keynotes by David De Roure on Social Machines and Michelle Barker on the evolution of Science Gateways, I started thinking about what would happen if we considered all computational and data software in the form of science gateways. The definition of a science gateway has shifted a bit over time.

Published in Daniel S. Katz's blog

This short blog post is really a pointer to another post that I co-wrote (with Sandra Gesing, Olivier Philippe, and Simon Hettrick), “Results from a US survey about Research Software Engineers,” as the initial post for the US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) blog.