Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Metadata is something that goes on behind the scenes and is rarely of concern to either author or readers of scientific articles. Here I tell a story where it has rather greater exposure. For journals in science and chemistry, each article published has a corresponding metadata record, associated with the persistent identifier of the article and known to most as its DOI.

Published in
Author Betim Neziraj

Zwischen Urheberin und Werk besteht eine enge Verbindung. Sie bleibt auch bei Verkauf des Werks bestehen. Dies kann zu Spannungen zwischen den Eigentumsrechten des Erwerbers und den Rechten der Urheberin führen. Betim Neziraj erläutert die Rechte und Pflichten beider Seiten bei Veräußerung des Werks. Verkauft eine Malerin ein Werk an einen Kunstliebhaber, so erwirbt dieser mit der Übertragung das Eigentum am physischen Kunstwerk.

Published in Lucidarios

Con el inicio de las vacaciones de verano, haré una pausa con las entradas sobre ChrysoCollate (hasta mediados de setiembre). Mientras tanto, quiero dedicar las próximas cuatro o cinco entradas a un tema un poco menos técnico y más interesante: la autoría del Lucidario . Como he dicho en entradas anteriores, la autoría del Lucidario es una interrogante que los filólogos no han podido resolver desde que el texto fue dado a

On June 14 I was invited to present at the CZI Open Science 2024 event. I was asked to participate in “Case Study Session 3: Demonstrating Impact of Open Science” and to explore the challenges of using traditional academic metrics for measuring project impact with an emphasis on alternative approaches. I was very excited to share our experiences and to learn from others projects.

Published in Front Matter

Earlier this month the Rogue Scholar science blog archive reached another important milestone: 100 science blogs registered and archived (with in total 16,179 posts). Rogue Scholar launched twelve months ago and this rate of adoption of the service has greatly surpassed my expectations. To celebrate this milestone, Rogue Scholar will drop all fees for blog authors going forward.

Published in Martin Paul Eve

It’s always frustrating to find errors in a work that has already gone to press/been through peer review, but unfortunately my friend Pete Christian has unearthed a few minor mistakes that I want to put out here. Thanks to Pete, who also says that none of this detail affects the overall argument of the text. On p. 154, I’ve made a mistake when quoting Hollander – he says (correctly) that “home” is a Germanic word.

Published in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Authors Joshua W. Lambert, James Mba Azam, Pratik Gupte, Adam Kucharski

GitHub recently previewed ‘Copilot Workspace’, which aims to use generative AI to assist software developers. Rather than just giving in-line suggestions, as GitHub copilot does, workspace allows users to map out and execute entire projects. We got early preview access to the tool, so decided to see how well it performed for our needs in Epiverse-TRACE.