Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in
Author Björn Brembs

It was my freshman year, 1991. I was enthusiastic to finally be learning about biology, after being forced to waste a year in the German army’s compulsory service at the time. Little did I know that it was the same year a research paper was published that would guide the direction of my career to this day, more than 30 years later. Many of the links in this post will go to old web pages I created while learning about this research.

Published in Quintessence of Dust
Author Stephen Matheson

Before I explain the rot at the heart of this chapter (Chapter 5 of From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds: Six Myths of Evolution , "The Myth of Animal Minds," by Simon Conway Morris), I'd like to show you my workspace as I sullenly trudge toward the end of this task. That's my fun little Chromebook 2-in-1, and the barely-visible tartan mouse pad is from my dad.

Published in Quintessence of Dust
Author Stephen Matheson

It's one of the most famous misquoted lines in the English language, spoken by Lady Gertrude (Hamlet's mom) during the intense scene featuring a play ("The Mousetrap" aka The Murder of Gonzago) within a play, intended by Hamlet to be "the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King." The character in "The Mousetrap" has delivered some sappy lines about commitment and widowhood, designed to flush out the King and Gertrude.

Published in GigaBlog

A new “multi-modal” data set on arm motion control, published recently in GigaScience , is an important contribution to develop robotic prosthetic devices and other tools at the interface between human and machine. Robotic arms and other devices that support limb movements are getting ever more sophisticated.

Published in GigaBlog

The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) hosted their Neuroinformatics Assembly on 19 th -23 rd April 2021. This conference aims to highlight open innovation in neuroscience, and additionally to showcase recently developed software tools and data infrastructures.

Published in GigaBlog

Here we present a guest blog by our Editorial Board Member Russell Poldrack, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, who highlights the challenges and opportunities surrounding imaging data to enable the neuroscience community to “stand on the shoulders of giants”, and an announcement on our new fMRI series. The sharing of neuroimaging data is an idea whose time has finally come, but many challenges remain.

Published in GigaBlog

Researchers release a treasure trove of data on the developing retina, pushing the boundaries of neuroscience publishing by presenting it dynamically and reproducibly. A new paper in GigaScience today demonstrates a major step forward for reproducible research and public data-sharing in the neurosciences with the publication and release of a huge cache of electrophysiology data resources.