Rogue Scholar Posts

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Author Björn Brembs

It’s the time of the year again where 30,000 neuroscientists head to the US to talk neuroscience. This year the big annual conference is in Washington, DC, one of the three cities able to host this large event. Our first poster will be up on Tuesday morning and shows results from operant self-stimulation experiments using optogenetics and dopaminergic neurons.

Published in JSC Accelerating Devices Lab

** Poster publication:** The ISC High Performance Conference 2023 was held at Hamburg, Germany from 21st May to 25th May. At the conference, we presented a project poster on the OpenGPT-X project, outlining the progress and initial exploration results. The poster was even featured in HPCWire’s May 24 recap of ISC within the AI segment!

Published in JSC Accelerating Devices Lab

** Poster publication:** The 14th JLESC workshop (JLESC: Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing) was hosted by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in Urbana, Illinois from 28th September to 30th September. We had the opportunity to present the OpenGPT-X project in form of a poster.

Author Jana Rumler

Vortrag und prämiertes Poster zu Open Access in Brandenburg, Relaunch Die virtuellen Open-Access-Tage 2021 unter dem Motto „Partizipation“ gingen nach drei Tagen mit vollgepacktem Programm und gewohnt intensivem Austausch der OA-Community zu Ende.

Published in
Author Björn Brembs

On the occasion of the first “BigDataDay” at our university, I have summarized on the below poster our two main efforts to automate the publication of our tiny raw data. On the left is our project automating Buridan data deposition at FigShare using the ROpenSci plugin and the consequence of just sending the links to the data and the evaluation code to a publisher, instead of pixel-based figures, when submitting a paper.