
Blogs on Dustin S. Stoltz

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Author Dustin S. Stoltz

In nearly every undergraduate sociology course, we discussed the mid-century sociological tradition “structural functionalism.” But, for me at least, discussions of Talcott Parsons, the theoretical powerhouse that spearheaded the rise of structural functionalism, was strangely absent from my undergraduate sociology courses.

Author Dustin S. Stoltz

The Paper [#{.group-hover:text-primary-300 .dark:group-hover:text-neutral-700 style=“text-decoration-line: none !important;” aria-label=“Anchor”}]{.absolute .top-0 .w-6 .transition-opacity .opacity-0 .ltr:-left-6 .rtl:-right-6 .not-prose .group-hover:opacity-100} Granovetter wrote the The Strength of Weak Ties