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Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
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Author Blair Fix

I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog debunking economists’ claims about productivity. Usually, I come at the problem from a fairly technical angle, meaning I break down the contradictions involved in economists’ methods. Today, I want to try a more philosophical approach. I’m going to talk about dualism — the idea that something can be two things at once.

Author Blair Fix

In science, being wrong is call for a celebration. Now that you think I’m crazy, let me explain. Science is about the search for truth . Logically, this means we should celebrate when we are right . But here’s the catch. How do we know when we are right? We can’t. Science is about conditional truth. We have ideas that we think are right because they have not yet been proven wrong. Science is a bit like evolution.