
Liberate Science

Liberate Science
Supporting research as a common good.
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KU Leuven is now an inaugural supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing. As part of their commitment to Open Science, KU Leuven supports sustainable implementations of Open Access and Open Science through the KU Leuven Fund for Fair OA. The fund is usually only available to non-profits, but ResearchEquals’ governance convinced KU Leuven to support a for-profit initiative.


We (semi)recently shipped our integration Research Organization Registry (ROR) for ResearchEquals! ROR is the ORCID for institutions, allowing researchers to easily identify themselves as being affiliated to certain organizations. With this integration, ResearchEquals joins a league of other publishers who are increasing their commitment to complete metadata.

Authors Sarahanne Field, Chris Hartgerink

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on [00:00:00] Sarahanne Field: Hi and welcome to the Open Update. I'm Sarahanne Field. [00:00:04] Chris Hartgerink: And I'm Chris Hartgerink [00:00:05] Sarahanne Field: In the Open Update podcast, we discuss power dynamics that affect us as researchers, the research community, and society more broadly.

Authors Chris Hartgerink, Sarahanne Field

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Hi and welcome to the Open Update. This is a show to help us and you calibrate our senses to the power imbalances in research and the world. For Liberate Science, I'm Chris Hartgerink [00:00:12] Sarahanne Field: I'm Sarahanne Field.


We recently transitioned from using Google Suite as our main provider for email and online storage, in favor of Proton. This is a conscious choice regarding the security of both our internal communications and the security of information people share with us. Back in 2019, when we first required more scalable email solutions, we opted for Google Suite because it was straightforward and well known.

Authors Chris Hartgerink, Sarahanne Field

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Hi, and welcome to the Open Update. For Liberate Science. I'm Chris Hartgerink. [00:00:03] Sarahanne Field: I'm Sarahanne Field. [00:00:05] Chris Hartgerink: In the Open Update we talk about power imbalances in research and society more broadly.


Research communication comes in many forms — traditional text based publishing cannot accommodate to all the needs of new, non text-based forms of communication. Audio-articles, also called pubcasts, are one such form. We’re happy to announce ResearchEquals is partnering with PubCasts to stimulate,  develop, and support the publication of audio-articles in our community.