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rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Say you have a bug report or feature request to make to a package.How can you use information on GitHub to manage your expectations (will there be a quick fix) and actions (should you go ahead and fork the repository)?In this post, we shall go over sources of information and explain how they can be used.In the end, there is no magical recipe, except perhaps graciousness, as software is made by humans.

Authors Mark Padgham, Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Jeff Hollister, Anna Krystalli, Mauro Lepore, Karthik Ram, Emily Riederer, Noam Ross, Maëlle Salmon, Adam Sparks, Melina Vidoni

rOpenSci Software Peer Review’s guidance is gathered in an online book that keeps improving!This blog post summarises what’s new in our Dev Guide 0.8.0, with all changes listed in the changelog.Farewell Stefanie Butland After many years of fabulous contributions to the rOpenSci community, Stefanie Butland left the role of community manager at the start of 2022.


Following our recent post on “Safeguards and Backups for GitHub Organizations”, nearly one month ago we went one step further and made two-factor authentication (2FA) required for all members and outside collaborators of our main organization, ropensci.It was a timely decision as GitHub since then announced it will require all users who contribute code on to enable one or more forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) by the end of


Did you know that GitHub lets you refer to the default branch of any repository by substituting the branch name with HEAD in the url? This is a very useful trick to write robust code that works regardless of whether the default branch is called main or master, and will keep working when the default branch gets renamed at some point.


After soliciting, reviewing, and publishing over 100 blog posts and tech notes by rOpenSci community members, we have created the rOpenSci Blog Guide for Authors and Editors to address many frequently asked questions and frequently given suggestions. Technically, we structured the content as a bookdown gitbook.


“Continuous Integration” (CI) has become a standard for proper software development.Checking the integrity of software after changes have been made is essential to ensure its proper functionality.Also, CI helps catch problems introduced by dependencies early when executed on a regular basis (usually done via scheduled CRON runs). Multiple professional providers exist (Travis CI, AppVeyor CI, Circle CI, etc.) which offer CI services to the

Authors Rich FitzJohn, Os Keyes, Stephanie Locke, Jeroen Ooms, Bob Rudis

Most of us who work in R just want to Get Stuff Done™. We want a minimum amount of friction between ourselves and the data we need to wrangle, analyze, and visualize. We’re focused on solving a problem or gaining insights into a new area of research. We rely on a rich, community-driven ecosystem of packages to help get our work done and likely make an unconscious assumption that there is a safety net out there, protecting us from harm.

Author Os Keyes

There are two things that make R such a wonderful programming environment - the vast number of packages to access, process and interpretdata, and the enthusiastic individuals and subcommunities (of which rOpenSci is a great example). One, of course, flows from the other:R programmers write R packages to provide language users with more features, which makes everyone’s jobs easier and (hopefully!)attracts more users and more contributions.