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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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On June 14 I was invited to present at the CZI Open Science 2024 event. I was asked to participate in “Case Study Session 3: Demonstrating Impact of Open Science” and to explore the challenges of using traditional academic metrics for measuring project impact with an emphasis on alternative approaches. I was very excited to share our experiences and to learn from others projects.

Authors Yanina Bellini Saibene, Sandro Camargo

In June 2022 I (Yani) become the rOpenSci Community Manager. To do a good job in this kind of role it is essential to know your community, so as soon I started I dug in: reading our documentation, learning our processes and their metrics, and conducting interviews with team-mates and community members.


We first introduced our Coworking andOffice Hour sessions in August 2021 after a successful pilot of several’label-athon’s in the April and May prior. We’ve had a successful couple of years since then and the coworking sessionshave evolved into themed events with different community hosts and me asa facilitator. It’s been a lovely change and we thought it was time to share these updates with the rOpenSci community! 🎉 What are these sessions?


A lot of what I do as rOpenSci’s community assistant is related to social media.I check for posts about rOpenSci packages, invite people to share usecases,advertise upcoming events, as well as promotingnew packages which completed software peer review.