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Author Albert Krewinkel

Pandoc’s Markdown allows for “fancy lists”, i.e., lists with different styles used for the marker of ordered list items. E.g., the list (I) primus (#) secundus (#) tertius uses uppercase roman numerals and double parentheses for the markers. It gets rendered as Continuations The fancy lists feature also allows to continue lists after an intermediate paragraph: i. one #. another Interruption; not part of any list. iii.

Author Albert Krewinkel

Pandoc’s Markdown allows for “fancy lists”, i.e., lists with different styles used for the marker of ordered list items. E.g., the list (I) primus (#) secundus (#) tertius uses uppercase roman numerals and double parentheses for the markers. It gets rendered as primus secundus tertius Continuations The fancy lists feature also allows to continue lists after an intermediate paragraph: i. one #. another Interruption;

Author Albert Krewinkel

When extending pandoc (or Quarto) with Lua filters, we interact with so-called Lua userdata objects. These objects are used to wrap document AST elements, making them accessible from Lua scripts. They mostly behave like normal Lua tables. This post is intended as a quick overview, listing interesting properties of userdata objects.

Author Albert Krewinkel

Setting the document font this way works for ConTeXt, LaTeX, and HTML output. The fonts used in docx or odt output must be controlled with the reference document instead. The default LaTeX engine is pdflatex, which only supports TeX’s own font format and cannot use the TrueType or OpenType fonts installed on the system. However, XeLaTeX was written with that in mind; switching to that engine allows to specify any font available on the system.

Author Albert Krewinkel

Setting the document font this way works for ConTeXt, LaTeX, and HTML output. The fonts used in docx or odt output must be controlled with the reference document instead. The default LaTeX engine is pdflatex, which only supports TeX’s own font format and cannot use the TrueType or OpenType fonts installed on the system. However, XeLaTeX was written with that in mind; switching to that engine allows to specify any font available on the system.

Author Albert Krewinkel

When extending pandoc (or Quarto) with Lua filters, we interact with so-called Lua userdata objects. These objects are used to wrap document AST elements, making them accessible from Lua scripts. They mostly behave like normal Lua tables. This post is intended as a quick overview, listing interesting properties of userdata objects.