Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in
Autor Georg Fischer

Ende Oktober ist es wieder soweit: „Zugang gestalten!“ findet statt – diesmal in Stuttgart. Bereits zum 14. Mal lädt die Konferenz dazu ein, kulturpolitische, rechtliche und praktische Fragen des Kulturellen Gedächtnisses zu diskutieren. Das Motto in diesem Jahr: „Das Erbe antreten“. Was auf dem Programm steht und wie Sie an der Konferenz teilnehmen können.

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autor Research Software Alliance

September, 2024 Authors: Michelle Barker, Wilhelm Hasselbring Directions for Research Software Engineering Research RSE research is a new direction in the evolving field of Research Software Engineering (RSE). This concept was highlighted in a panel chaired by Wilhelm Hasselbring (Kiel University) at RSECon in September 2024.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

Watch a DOME Webinar on Machine Learning Best Practices & Recommendations on 24th September 2024 In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in scientific publications in journals publishing computational research such as ours utilising Machine Learning (ML). This represents a significant challenge for disseminating and assessing scientific research as the black box and […]

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Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

import mermaid from ''; mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true }); For the better part of a year, I have been looking for an opportunity to use the rOpenSci package deposits in myrole as the Data Librarian at EcoHealth Alliance.I had done some initial testing with Mark Padgham, the brilliant person who developed this package, but there weren’t any projects ready for me to put

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Autor Georg Fischer

Das war deutlich: Im Streit um online dargestellte Fototapeten hat der Bundesgerichtshof dem Abmahndrang eines Fotografen einen Riegel vorgeschoben. Sein fragwürdiges Geschäftsmodell: Beiläufige Abbildungen von gekauften Fototapeten auf Bildern im Netz aufspüren und ihre Nutzung abmahnen. Dem erteilte das Karlsruher Gericht nun eine klare Absage.

Veröffentlicht in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Autor Aaron Tay

Source Ex Libris surprised us by suddenly releasing Primo Research Assistant to production on September 9, 2024  (when the earlier timeline was 4Q 2024 with some believing it might even be delayed). Despite the fact that there are so many RAG (retrieval augmented generation) academic search systems today that generate answers from search, this is still quite a significant event to be worth covering in my blog. Why?

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

If you read my blog, it should not surprise you that I have long experimented with technologies to improve knowledge dissemination, for example in HTML. And I have blogged about publishing from an author and researcher, and editor perspective, for many years (see this longer list on my old blog). Also, in the Journal of Cheminformatics we pushed for innovation, including ORCID and GitHub adoption and Citation Typing Ontology adoption.