Andere Humanmedizin und GesundheitswissenschaftenEnglischQuarto


EpiForecasts team website
Autoren Sam Abbott, Sebastian Funk

31 March, in just under a weeks time, will mark the last day we are producing global national and subnational Rt estimates and nowcasts at - more than 2 years after we published the first set of estimates. This is a good opportunity to reflect on what we have learned from this, what went well and what went wrong, and what we would aim to do better next time.

Autoren Flavio Finger, Adam Kucharski

On 10th November, 2017, a suspected case of diphtheria was reported at a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinic in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh (Finger et al. 2019). A bacterial infection, diphtheria was a major cause of childhood illness and death in the early 20th Century, before a vaccine was developed in the 1920s, then included in the WHO’s Expanded Programme on Immunization in the 1970s.