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Autor Scott Chamberlain

I worked on a refactor of an R package at work the other day. Here’s some notes about that after doing the work. This IS NOT a best practices post - it’s just a collection of thoughts. For context, the package is an API client.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

I wrote the other day about overcoming an issue with Shiny. Another issue I ran into concurrently was about file inputs. The issue was that file inputs (i.e., shiny::fileInput) was difficult to clear.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

I’ve been working on an inherited Shiny app at work for the past few months. One of the many frustrating things about Shiny lately has been around buttons. Well, it wasn’t really about buttons, but that’s where it started. I noticed that a number of buttons - some having file inputs, some having text inputs - did not trigger every time, and I expected them to trigger every time no matter what.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

My parents just found this email they had printed out from me from May 19, 2006, when I was 26. I chatted about some family stuff, then had this rambling string of weird thoughts below. I thought others might appreciate a good cringe - or cringy laugh - at my expense. It’s especially funny because I’m most def an atheist. I don’t know, those Tucson sunsets really are transformative.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

notes to self for next job hunt (some of which may be generally useful): don’t apply to general tech companies anymore for many reasons. heard back from very very few but that may be b/c I don’t know many people at general tech companies never been able to get through interviews; they’re presumably looking for computer science grads (not me) most of their missions are probably not stuff I’d be happy about at the end of the day.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

Soooo, my last job at Deck was amazing. I loved it. I was doing data engineer stuff there, mostly maintaining infrastructure for data pipelines. Everyone was great and the mission was amazing: helping Democrats win. Yet the company was shut down about a month ago, sending me on another job search, the 3rd since early/mid 2021.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

TL;DR In 6 months (end of November 2022) the CRAN Checks API will be gone You can still get badges at You can use the new badges like: [![cran checks](]( Find more details at Sunsetting the CRAN Checks API If you contribute an R package to