
Research Software Alliance

Autor Research Software Alliance

Image was created with the assistance of AI. By Michelle Barker, Kim Hartley, Daniel S. Katz, Richard Littauer, Qian Zhang, Shurui Zhou, Jyoti Bhogal August 2024 [This blog post has been cross-posted by the Netherlands eScience Center, Software Sustainability Institute, and US-RSE.] Abstract This position paper provides a statement on the criticality of research software in artificial intelligence (AI)-driven research and makes

Autor Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz

Daniel S. Katz, Maria Cruz, Michelle Barker, and Florian Mannseicher at the Global Research Council annual meeting in Interlaken, Switzerland - May 2024 (Image credit: Daniel S. Katz) Authors: Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz Given that software is an integral component of research processes and a widely used instrument for scientific research in all fields, funders have increasingly recognised and valued research

Autor Michelle Barker, Domhnall Carlin, Jeremy Cohen, Eric A. Jensen, Catherine M. Jones, Carlos Martinez Ortiz and Dan Rudmann

June 2024 By Michelle Barker, Domhnall Carlin, Jeremy Cohen, Eric A. Jensen, Catherine M. Jones, Carlos Martinez Ortiz and Dan Rudmann 1 Introduction Advocating for, initiating and supporting policy change can be a major challenge. This is especially true in large organisations with longstanding structures and complex operational models that have been established over, sometimes, many years or even decades.

Autor Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz

(Photo credit: Annelies Verhelst) Authors: Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz Given that software is an integral component of research processes and a widely used instrument for scientific research in all fields, funders have increasingly recognised and valued research software and the people who develop and maintain it as fundamental and vital to research globally.

Autor Michelle Barker, Leyla Jael Castro, Bernadette Fritzsch, Daniel S. Katz, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Anna Niehues, Alexander Struck, Qian Zhang

By Michelle Barker, Leyla Jael Castro, Bernadette Fritzsch, Daniel S. Katz, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Anna Niehues, Alexander Struck, Qian Zhang [This blog past has been cross-posted by the Software Sustainability Institute, Netherlands eScience Center, and others.] The FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) Principles aim to promote and encourage the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of research software.

Autor Research Software Alliance

January 2024 This downloadable report features ReSA’s engagement in 2023 with key decision makers and influencers involved with research software across the globe, as well as the broader research software community. Citation: Hartley, Kim & Barker, Michelle (2024). Research Software Alliance Community Report 2023. Zenodo.

Autor Anelda Van der Walt

Participants of the first Research Software Indaba held in Cape Town, South Africa in May 2023. (Photo credit: Noxolo Chalale) By Anelda Van der Walt (Director, Talarify) 6 December 2023 The African continent is home to some of the world’s most significant multi-country research projects.

Autor Research Software Alliance

15 September 2023 DOI: 10.59350/a0wh3-y3057 Image source: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock We are pleased to announce that Version 1.0 of the Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability ( is now released.