Veröffentlicht in Syldavia Gazette

The Era of Planetary Defense Has Begun In their textbook Modern Principles of Economics, Tyler and Tabarrok use asteroid defense as an example of a public good. Food fight: FDA is redefining ‘healthy’ and food industry is pushing back Less saturated fat, less sodium, less added sugar; manufacturers say almost no packaged foods would qualify under the agency’s new rules.


Digital Libraries (cs.DL)FOS: Computer and information sciencesFOS: Computer and information sciences

Advancing Software Citation Implementation (Software Citation Workshop 2022)

Autoren Daina Bouquin, Ana Trisovic, Oliver Bertuch, Elena Colón-Marrero

Software is foundationally important to scientific and social progress, however, traditional acknowledgment of the use of others' work has not adapted in step with the rapid development and use of software in research. This report outlines a series of collaborative discussions that brought together an international group of stakeholders and experts representing many communities, forms of labor, and expertise. Participants addressed specific challenges about software citation that have so far gone unresolved. The discussions took place in summer 2022 both online and in-person and involved a total of 51 participants. The activities described in this paper were intended to identify and prioritize specific software citation problems, develop (potential) interventions, and lay out a series of mutually supporting approaches to address them. The outcomes of this report will be useful for the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) community, repository managers and curators, research software developers, and publishers.