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All DataCite DOIs have associated metadata, described in the DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation (DataCite Metadata Working Group (2017)), validated and stored as XML in the DataCite Metadata Store (MDS). These metadata are then made available via DataCite APIs and services. For these services XML is not always the best format, and we are thus providing the metadata in other formats, most notably JSON.



DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data v4.1

Autoren DataCite Metadata Working Group, Madeleine de Smaele, Joan Starr, Jan Ashton, Amy Barton, Noris Birt, Stefanie Dietiker, Jannean Elliot, Martin Fenner, Wim Hugo, Stefan Jakobsson, Isabel Bernal Martínez, Jessica Rücknagel, Mohamed Yahia, Frauke Ziedorn, Lisa Zolly

1 Introduction1.1 The DataCite Consortium1.2 DataCite Community Participation1.3 The Metadata Schema1.4 Version 4.1 Update2 DataCite Metadata Properties2.1 Overview2.2 Citation2.3 DataCite Properties3 XML Example4 XML Schema5 Other DataCite ServicesAppendicesAppendix 1: Controlled List DefinitionsAppendix 2: Earlier Version Update NotesAppendix 3: Standard values for unknown informationAppendix 4: Version 4.1 Changes in support of software citationAppendix 5: FORCE11 Software Citation Principles Mapping