Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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The view from the Marie Sklodowska Curie Museum, where Marie lived as a child. This year’s Neuroinformatics 2019 meeting took place in the beautiful and historic city of Warszawa (Warsaw). Warszawa remains a pilgrimage city for scientists, with arguably its most famous resident Marie Sklodowska Curie being the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only person ever to win the Nobel Prize twice in two different scientific fields.

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Painting of the Eastern Yellow Robin by Prof Paul Sunnucks. Today in Gigascience we published an avian genome assembly with a twist. An Australian team at Monash University discovered unusual, so-called neo-sex chromosomes in the genome of the Eastern Yellow Robin. Being big fans of bird genomes (see our support of the Avian Phylogenomic and B10K projects) it is great to see another one take flight.

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In Sultry Switzerland, Bioinformatics is Radiant at ISMBECCB Water cooling of our datacenter (& friends) Regular readers will know GigaScience originally launched at the 2012 ISMB (Intelligent Systems of Molecular Biology) meeting in Long Beach, and every subsequent year the conference has held a special place in our hearts as the place where we celebrate our birthday (see all the previous write-ups in GigaBlog).

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In this data-driven era, research is faced with new challenges, from sharing, storing and accessing data, including how to better integrate data to answer big questions in science. With many data repositories available, it is hard to maintain them all – some repositories are forced to close – meaning loss of access to invaluable datasets.

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In the data driven era, not only in research but in our day-to-day lives, people are creating more and more personal digitized data that enables human-participant research in social sciences and personalized medicine. However, with numerous data streams and types this raises concerns such as how to merge and share such data, as well as ethical problems.

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At GigaScience as our focus is on reproducibility rather than subjective impact, it can be challenging at times to judge this in our papers. Targeting the “bleeding edge” of data-driven research, more and more of our papers utilise technologies, such as Jupyter notebooks, Virtual Machines, and Containers such as Docker.