Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Corin Wagen

Who is Peter Thiel? Tyler Cowen calls him one of the most important public intellectuals of our era. Bloomberg called him responsible for the ideology of Silicon Valley “more than any other living Silicon Valley investor or entrepreneur.” Depending on who you ask, he’s either a shadowy plutocratic genius or a visionary forward-thinking genius: but everyone seems to at least agree that he’s a genius.

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Four-coordinate carbon normally adopts a tetrahedral shape, where the four angles at the carbon are all 109.47°. But how large can that angle get, and can it even get to be 180°? A search of the CSD (crystal structure database) reveals a spiropentane as having the largest such angle, VAJHAP with 164°[cite]10.1021/ja00186a058[/cite] Because crystal structures might have artefacts such as disorder etc, it is always good to check this with a

Veröffentlicht in Corin Wagen

Organic chemists often think in terms of potential energy surfaces, especially when plotting the results of a computational study. Unfortunately it is non-trivial to generate high-quality potential energy surfaces. It's not too difficult to sketch something crude in ChemDraw or Powerpoint, but getting the actual barrier heights correct and proportional has always seemed rather tedious to me.

Veröffentlicht in Corin Wagen

Now that our work on screening for generality has finally been published in Nature, I wanted to first share a few personal reflections and then highlight the big conclusions that I gleaned from this project. This project originated from conversations I had with Eugene Kwan back in February 2019, when I was still an undergraduate at MIT.

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

A previous post was triggered by Peter alerting me that interactive electronic supporting information ( IESI ) we had submitted to a journal in 2005[cite]10.1021/ic0519988[/cite] appeared to be strangely missing from the article landing page. This set me off recollecting our journey, which had started around 1998, and to explore what the current state of these ancient IESI s were in 2022.

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Previously, I looked at autocatalytic mechanisms where the carboxyl group of an oxetane-carboxylic acid could catalyse its transformation to a lactone, finding that a chain of two such groups were required to achieve the result. Here I look at an alternative mode where the oxetane-carboxylate itself acts as the transfer chain, via a H-bonded dimer shown below.