Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in dr. heap

Can the Collatz conjecture be proven, or not?Download the PDF version of this article.collatz.pdf236 KB.a{fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1.5px;}download-circle In 1937, shortly after the mathematician Lothar Collatz obtained his doctorate, he wrote down a problem in his notebook that later became known as Collatz’ problem or the \((3x+1)\)-problem . The problem is

Veröffentlicht in Martin Modrák

To celebrate a new paper out in Bayesian Analysis, let’s talk simulation-based calibration checking (SBC). SBC is a method where you use simulated datasets to verify that you implemented you model correctly and/or that your sampling algorithm work. It was introduced by Talts et al. and has been known and used for a while, but was considered to have a few shortcomings, which we try to address.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

Today I am happy to announce an important milestone for the Rogue Scholar science blog archive. Starting November 1st, all blog posts from participating blogs will automatically be archived by the Internet Archive. Front Matter has signed a contract with Internet Archive to use their Archive-It service, and archiving will start in November.

Veröffentlicht in quantixed

In a previous post, I looked at how Google Scholar ranks co-authors. While I had the data available I wondered whether paper authorship could be used in other ways. A few months back, John Cook posted about using Jaccard index and jazz albums. The idea is to look at the players on two jazz albums and examine the overlap.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

How to cite: Page, R. (2023). Where are the plant type specimens? Mapping JSTOR Global Plants to GBIF. This blog post documents my attempts to create links between two major resources for plant taxonomy: JSTOR’s Global Plants and GBIF, specifically between type specimens in JSTOR and the corresponding occurrence in GBIF.

Veröffentlicht in quantixed

We have a new paper out describing how vesicles move inside cells. The paper in a nutshell In science-speak We analysed how small vesicles are transported in cells. In contrast to large vesicles and organelles, which move using motors inside cells, our analysis revealed that passive diffusion is the main mode of small vesicle transport. In normal language Inside cells, molecules are moved in tiny transport packets called vesicles.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

The dedicated API for the Rogue Scholar science blog archive launched two weeks ago. The initial release supported fetching metadata and content from Rogue Scholar. Today this API was updated with important new functionality: parsing of science blog posts and storing the metadata and content in the Rogue Scholar.

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autoren Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker

October 2023 Authors: Kim Hartley and Michelle Barker We are proud to report that the second International Research Software Funders Workshop, co-hosted by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) and the Research Software Alliance (ReSA) from 18-20 September was a great success.