Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great summer. The academic year is about to start and I hope you are hungry for some knowledge :-) In today’s edition I want to introduce you to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). ::: {.subscription-widget-wrap attrs=“{"url":"","text":"Subscribe","language":"en"}” component-name=“SubscribeWidgetToDOM”} Thanks for reading FAIR Data Digest!

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autoren Eric Allen Jensen, Daniel S. Katz

4 September 2023 Authors: Eric Allen Jensen, Daniel S. Katz DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8312543 Research software is the unsung hero of modern science. Yet it often plays second fiddle to traditional scholarly outputs such as journal articles. As research grows increasingly computational, the need to recognise software contributions becomes imperative. However, there are a number of challenges that must be overcome to achieve this.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

How to cite: Page, R. (2023). Document layout analysis. Some notes to self on document layout analysis. I’m revisiting the problem of taking a PDF or a scanned document and determining its structure (for example, where is the title, abstract, bibliography, where are the figures and their captions, etc.). There are lots of papers on this topic, and lots of tools.

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, this last summer-break edition ties in with the previous edition. Last week I’ve wrote over research to make publication metadata from the free publishing service CEUR-WS available in a FAIR fashion , such that the data can be explored.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive continues to grow. It is closing in on 50 science blogs (currently 45), 3,000 blog posts (currently 2,944, of which 2,775 have a DOI), and 250 (currently 212) blog posts with references registered with Crossref. I have set up eleven Mastodon bots for Rogue Scholar blogs after announcing the feature last week.