Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Athanasia Mo Mowinckel, Joel Nitta

Many researchers are becoming more aware of the importance of reproducibility.Although reproducibility involves a diverse array of topics and tools, one rOpenSci package has gained considerable attention for enabling reproducible analysis pipelines in R: targets, by Will Landau.Why a targets workshop?

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

This week I added blog administration self-service to the Rogue Scholar blog archive. This makes adding a blog to Rogue Scholar easier, faster, and cheaper. To start blog administration please create an account with Rogue Scholar. Use the "Sign In" Link in the upper right corner to sign in or create an account with username and password, or sign in via Google or GitHub. Once signed in, you can add your blog via the Dashboard page.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

How to cite: Page, R. (2023). Adventures in machine learning: iNaturalist, DNA barcodes, and Lepidoptera. Recently I’ve been working with a masters student, Maja Nagler, on a project using machine learning to identify images of Lepidoptera. This has been something of an adventure as I am new to machine learning, and have only minimal experience with the Python programming language.

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, last week I told you about European Research Infrastructures Consortia or ERIC in short. Today we gonna look into one of these ERICs that is active in the Cultural Heritage field. I also have to celebrate a tiny anniversary related to Wikidata and I will share a resource about FAIR Jupyter notebooks.

¡Nos complace abrir la convocatoria para la segunda cohorte de Campeonas/es y Mentoras/es para el Programa de rOpenSci 🎉 ! Este programa continuará apoyando nuestro objetivo de identificar, reconocer y recompensar a los miembros apasionados de la comunidad que ayudan a la comunidad a crecer y mejorar.

We are pleased to open the call for the second cohort of Champions and Mentors for the rOpenSci Champions Program 🎉 ! This program will continue to support our goal of identifying, recognizing, and rewarding passionate community members who help the community grow and improve.

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, if you are a researcher and you want to follow the FAIR data principles you are not left alone. In today’s edition I will try to explain what ERIC is and what they have to do with FAIR data. As for work updates: I was on a small camping vacation in France, so there are no work updates, but I came back with many ideas for the future!