Rogue Scholar Beiträge


These days web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are everywhere (scientific data sources, your system for Customer relationship management, cat facts API…). Do you need to write some R code wrapping a web resource such as an API? Packaging it up might be useful to you or your team for the same reason as any code.

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A comment from a referee led me to find a method to describe curvature of membranes. This is a quick write-up of our solution. I couldn’t find a solution readily available in Fiji, so I created one using a combination of Fiji for tracing the curvature and IgorPro to do the fitting. If there is any interest I can convert this code into an all-Fiji routine. The code is simple and a gist is available here.

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This is a ultra-short post related to sending email via the command line on Linux/Rasperry Pi. On 30 May 2022, Google disabled the handy feature that allowed less secure sign in to Google accounts. This feature was a handy way to authenticate command-line routines that send email.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Mark Padgham, Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Jeff Hollister, Anna Krystalli, Mauro Lepore, Karthik Ram, Emily Riederer, Noam Ross, Maëlle Salmon, Adam Sparks, Melina Vidoni

rOpenSci Software Peer Review’s guidance is gathered in an online book that keeps improving!This blog post summarises what’s new in our Dev Guide 0.8.0, with all changes listed in the changelog.Farewell Stefanie Butland After many years of fabulous contributions to the rOpenSci community, Stefanie Butland left the role of community manager at the start of 2022.

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As a project idea for a young engineer we wanted to build a Raspberry Pi-based Weather Station . Our last attempt at building something – a sound-responsive LED display – was a failure. So it was important to build something really easy to help us get back on track. Here are some notes. We essentially followed this guide from Adafruit which links out to this guide for the CircuitPython part.

Veröffentlicht in recology
Autor Scott Chamberlain

TL;DR In 6 months (end of November 2022) the CRAN Checks API will be gone You can still get badges at You can use the new badges like: [![cran checks](]( Find more details at Sunsetting the CRAN Checks API If you contribute an R package to

Veröffentlicht in neurosopher
Autor Adrian Valente

This post is an attempt at summarizing results obtained over five years of research in the laboratory of Srdjan Ostojic, at ENS Paris, on the uses of low-rank RNNs, in a ten-minutes read. Let’s see if that’s enough to catch your interest! This post has been written with invaluable inputs from several lab members, in particular Friedrich Schuessler, Francesca Mastrogiuseppe and Srdjan Ostojic. Many thanks to them! Why low-rank RNNs?

Veröffentlicht in Daniel S. Katz's blog

I’m very pleased to see that the Netherlands group working on “Software Management Plans: Towards national guidelines” has released a draft set of guidelines for community consultation (through 20 June 2022) and is organizing a workshop on 9 June to test and discuss the guidelines with use cases from the research community: