Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Mark Padgham, Beatriz Milz, Margaret Siple

We are excited to welcome Beatriz Milz and Margaret Siple to our team of Associate Editors for rOpenSci Software Peer Review.They join Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Anna Krystalli, Mauro Lepore, Noam Ross, Maëlle Salmon, Emily Riederer, Adam Sparks, and Jeff Hollister.rOpenSci has been running a rigorous and collegial software peer review system since 2015.Editors manage the review process, performing initial package checks, identifying

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Following the 2024 BHL meeting, and the departure of Martin Kalfatovic and the uncertainty the departure of such a pivitol person brings, perhaps it’s time to think about the future of BHL. Below I sketch some thoughts, which are hazy at best. I should say at the outset that I think BHL is an extraordinary project. My goal is to think about ways to enhance its utility and impact.

Veröffentlicht in dr. heap
Autoren Hans-Dieter Hiep, Frank de Boer

A sound and complete proof system for separation logic (part 1)Download the PDF version of this article.soundness-completeness-separation-logic-part1.pdf292 KB.a{fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1.5px;}download-circleIntroduction In this article we have another look at the proof system for separation logic that is introduced in the first author’s PhD thesis: New Foundations for

Veröffentlicht in Le blog Zotero francophone
Autor Collectif

Par défaut, les références et les pièces jointes de Zotero sont synchronisées avec les serveurs de Zotero sur lesquels le stockage gratuit est limité à 300Mo. Cette limite est facilement franchie si vous voulez synchroniser les pièces jointes entre plusieurs appareils, et notamment les fichiers PDF des articles, que vous avez dans votre bibliothèque Zotero. C’est là que le protocole WebDAV peut vous rendre service !

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autor Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz

Daniel S. Katz, Maria Cruz, Michelle Barker, and Florian Mannseicher at the Global Research Council annual meeting in Interlaken, Switzerland - May 2024 (Image credit: Daniel S. Katz) Authors: Kim Hartley, Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz Given that software is an integral component of research processes and a widely used instrument for scientific research in all fields, funders have increasingly recognised and valued research

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Pensoft have recently introduced “nanopubs”, small structured publications that can be thought of as containing the minimum possible statement that could be published. Nanopubs are promoted as FAIR, that is findable, accessible, interoperabile, and reusable. I like the idea of nanopubs, but the examples I have seen so far are problematic.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

Today I am happy to announce the first beta release of InvenioRDM Starter. InvenioRDM is an open source repository management platform developed by more than 25 organizations coordinated by CERN. The release of the next major version (v12.0) will happen in a few weeks, with the second release candidate released on May 31st. InvenioRDM Starter aims to make installing InvenioRDM easy via a prebuilt Docker image and Docker Compose file.