Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

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Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I’ve written four posts about the R2R debate on the proposition “the venue of its publication tells us nothing useful about the quality of a paper”: part 1: opening statement in support part 2: opening statement against the motion part 3: my response for the motion part 4: the video!

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

In the last post, I catalogued some of the reasons why Scientific Reports , in its cargo-cult attempts to ape print journals such as its stablemate Nature , is an objectively bad journal that removes value from the papers submitted to it: the unnatural shortening that relagates important material into supplementary information, the downplaying of methods, the tiny figures that ram unrelated illustrations into compound images, the

Veröffentlicht in Underworld Geodynamics Community

One of the most popular cloud services for python / jupyter - based codes is binder ( which can transform an online repository into a running instance in the cloud with little effort on the part of the owner of that repository to set it up and no effort at all for the end user.

Veröffentlicht in Geo★ Down Under
Autor Louis Moresi

The ANU Research School of Earth Sciences is moving all seminars online for the duration of the corona virus emergency The Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) at the Australian National University is one of the world’s premier research institutions in the Earth and Marine Sciences. The seminar series is the central focus of the School’s activities and typically attracts top researchers from Australia and around the world.