Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Observations, Opinions & Opens
Autor Wilma van Wezenbeek

I start (tomorrow, Monday, really) on September 1, 2024 at the KB, the national library. I am incredibly excited about this. During the summer vacation I read a few books in preparation (mind you, I also just listened to books by Mathijs Deen😉). One was “The Consolation of Philosophy,” an older book by Alain de Botton, which I like to read or listen back to from time to time.

Veröffentlicht in Observations, Opinions & Opens
Autor Wilma van Wezenbeek

I was Director Student and Educational Affairs at VU Amsterdam from September 2020 to January 2024, and I wrote some blogs during that time, a.o. about being a community university, connecting the worlds of open science and open education, and about knowledge equity. They have now been archived. So I list them here instead in one pdf file, where I can link to.

Veröffentlicht in Observations, Opinions & Opens
Autor Wilma van Wezenbeek

My previous blogposts from TU Delft Library (published in a WordPress site) have been archived recently. I here use the link I found in the wayback machine. If anybody can help me with getting the .XML export from WordPress into Github pages, much appreciated! But for now this will do I guess.

Veröffentlicht in Observations, Opinions & Opens
Autor Wilma van Wezenbeek

For one year (up till 1 September 2024) I was Captain of Transformation for Npuls, within the transformation hub Digital Educational Resources. We aim at getting all digital educational resources available and accessible for everyone, as per 2032. I wrote a few blogs in this year: The less I search, the more I discover Linking up with transformation hub initiatives Make your voice heard - join the European Education Area Consultation!

Veröffentlicht in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

Wir (Mandy Schiefner-Rohs und ich mit Team) haben aus einer kleinen Förderung des BMBF im Jahr 2021/2022 ein Kursangebot zur Datenkompetenz von (angehenden) Lehrer:innen erstellt. Dabei haben wir Konzepten zur Ethik von Daten in Bildungskontexten mit anwendungsorientierten Fragen zur Nutzung von Bildungsdaten kombiniert. Über das Projekt Data2Teach konnten wir im September 2022 den Kurs Data2Teach auf dem KI-Campus anbieten.

Veröffentlicht in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

The topic of science communication has gained a lot of attention in the last years and no higher educaton institution has not been involved in concepts related to “transfer” activities or the so called “third mission” of higher education institutions.

Veröffentlicht in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

Due to my current side-project of getting a plagiarised, AI-generated book retracted, I was curious to see how selected top-ranked journals in Educational Technology have been actively retracting articles. I have been using the GoogleScholar ranking and have focused on journals I would include in this list. Here is a table of my findings.

Veröffentlicht in Posts | Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz
Autor Marco Kalz

Some of my regular readers might remember that I have reported a case of AI-supported plagiarism in a book on learning analytics which has been published in German last year see original post here. One of our papers has been plagiarized by a team of authors who have published a book in German on “Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics”. Here I report about what has happened since I have reported the case.