Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Everything is Connected
Autor Ernesto Priego

I am looking forward to returning, many years later, to my beloved UEA Norwich (where I did my master’s more than two decades ago) to attend this year’s International Graphic Novels and Comics Conference, with the theme of ‘Comics & Technologies’. The schedule (on-line and in-person) and the book of abstracts are now available at the conference website.

Veröffentlicht in Everything is Connected
Autor Ernesto Priego

A note on the personal significance of collecting and listening to records, comparing it to meditation. I use Walter Benjamin’s concept of “erfahrung” to argue for the unique experience afforded by physical music formats. Finally, I share a mix of vinyl records.

Veröffentlicht in Upstream
Autor Joanna Ball

Lars Bjørnshauge is the visionary founder of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). His transformation of a simple idea into a globally trusted directory revolutionized the accessibility and credibility of open access publishing. Under his leadership, DOAJ became a critical resource, supporting the dissemination of scholarly work worldwide and setting high standards for transparency in publishing.

Veröffentlicht in Upstream
Autoren John Chodacki, Todd Carpenter

PIDs in scholarly communications and research infrastructure have garnered government attention lately. By aligning with frameworks such as FAIR and POSI and incorporating insights from global initiatives, we present some desirable characteristics of PID infrastructures to guide them.