Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

A few personal notes on the clamour around OA for books (written from the perspective of an author of 10 books that are all openly accessible): The REF mandate for books has been argued and trialed over an eight-year period, starting with the 2016 ‘Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework’, published by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

Veröffentlicht in Lucidarios

Hoy continúo hablando del último botón de configuración general de ChrysoCollate, «Options». Este botón permite personalizar las opciones de visualización y comportamiento del aplicativo: Las primeras configuraciones disponibles son «Font», «Mouse wheel», «Colours of the readings» y «Directions». La primera permite personalizar la fuente que se empleará para presentar las lecturas ( Collation Table Font ), el tamaño general de la fuente

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

"End-stage renal disease is a terminal illness with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min." - [Hashmi et al.]( My current state is an estimated GFR of 7 with dialysis 5 days per week to replace my destroyed kidney function. But the basic fact remains that this condition is terminal; it's just the question of how long it takes to finish me off.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

People often think that reading a novel is a very linear activity. You start at the start and proceed through the text. As in most media forms, though, the beginning of any novel is really not truly its beginning. The American author, Thomas Pynchon, the focus of my paper today, is famed, it could be argued, mostly for three things.

Veröffentlicht in The Ideophone
Autor Mark Dingemanse

Writing is thinking. The writing process is the most neglected part of our job. We spend millions on fancy equipment and uncountable hours on training for using this or that toolkit. Yet we assume the BA-level academic writing course we once followed is sufficient; the rest we’ll just learn on the job and hopefully soon we’ll automate away with LLMs. It is all formulaic anyway.

Veröffentlicht in Lucidarios

Retomando el hilo de la entrada anterior, en esta entrada explicaré cómo funcionan los botones función «+L[acuna]/A[bsentia]», «+F[olio]» y «Export wit[ness]» de ChrysoCollate. El primero es un botón bastante útil porque permite marcar errores por omisión: lagunas textuales y pasajes ausentes en un testimonio en el documento que se está colacionando.