Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 13: Provisional response: a.) Clearly, better data in this respect will allow for better monitoring of access. b.) There will, of course, be additional administrative costs in providing data and contextualising them.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 10: Beyond the obvious lack of detail here on how any of these components can be meaningfully measured, there are substantial problems with the proposed areas of focus for a proposed TEF.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 9: No. The proposed incentives offered for different providers in a proposed TEF are uneven.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 8: Aside from my broader concerns about a potential TEF, there is one aspect here that I disagree with.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks in Question 7: Provisional response: There is no central system of audit that can be administratively and financially free of costs.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks (as question 6): Provisional response: I have several concerns about the proposed approach, timings, panels and processes.

Veröffentlicht in Technology and language

Some people have come up with the word “cisgender” to refer to people who aren’t transgender, as an alternative to problematic terms like “normal,” “regular” and “real.” Some have gone beyond this and asked their allies to “identify as cis,” and even treat trans people as the default realization of their genders. As a trans person and a linguist, I disagree with these last two for a number of reasons.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

This post is part of an ongoing series where I intend to develop my full personal ( not institutional) response to the HE Green Paper. Comments are welcome to refine this. The Green Paper asks (as question 4): Yes. Access agreements should be a pre-requisite for any TEF award, if the TEF goes ahead. However, there is a further aspect to consider.