Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Yesterday, I proposed that a strategy for implementing the FAIR principles for research data management can focus on ensuring five FAIR-enabling services , which in turn will prompt tactical choices of FAIR-enabling resources that may satisfactorily address each question and thereby produce a comprehensive implementation profile.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Here are some identifier services listed as such by FIP Wizard, a free-to-signup online tool to guide a user in creating and publishing a machine-actionable FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP): Old IGSN International Generic Sample Number before integration with DataCite SDN CDI PID | SeaDataNet CDI PID SeaDataNet Common Data Persistent Identifier U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) Data ID Service

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Inference based on semantic retrieval is more robust than inference based on syntactic parsing. In order to be authoritative, identifiers should be assigned as early as practicable in the creation process, but minting is not binding. Identifier resolution delays binding; identifier structures induce binding. Moral: Structure identifiers late (or never) in the minting process.

Veröffentlicht in Living Pixel
Autor Casey Ydenberg

It’s almost forgotten now, but “Generation X” - a term now used to describe people born between 1965 and 1980 - was originally the title of a novel. Vancouver author Douglas Coupland wrote the novel and coined the phrase to describe what it felt like to be alive at a certain time in a certain point in your life.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

Developers often resort to shotgun parsing : scattering data checks and fallback values in various places throughout the system’s main logic. 1 The habit of scattering parser-like behaviour throughout an application’s code and the resulting inconsistencies in data handling can often lead not just to annoying complications and bugs, but also security vulnerabilities. 2 This is about reading data.