Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

UPDATE 2024-06-11 posted here. At the time of writing this (2024-04-11), the entire content of a “key” chemistry journal called Heterocycles , with over 17,000 articles in it, from 1973 to 2023, has been knocked offline due to what the publisher vaguely describes as “various circumstances”. The journal has been unavailable to access online since December 2023, which means the content has been offline for four or five months now!

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

This post marks the re-introduction of a feed for each tag on this blog. I want this so that I can post without worrying about contributing to “pollution” of the scholarly record. I can accomplish this by tagging posts as #scholarly when I want them to be e.g. fetched by The Rogue Scholar for DOI minting and for subsequent linking to my ORCiD profile. This post should hopefully be my last act of such pollution.

Veröffentlicht in Living Pixel
Autor Casey Ydenberg

Of all my regular stops for data-vis design, Our World in Data is probably my favourite. Unlike (for example) FiveThirtyEight, which keeps complex graphics and news articles on different parts of the site, and unlike news sites which embed data graphics as iframes, OWID has a unique approach to mixing graphics and prose.