Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Konrad Hinsen's blog

This post is a follow-up to my previous one, Deconstructing the Mastodon client. My topic is a scenario that traditional Mastodon clients handle rather badly, wheres my home-grown solution handled it very well: lengthy and branching conversations. Such conversations happen all the time on social networks. Someone posts an interesting question or observation, which is commented by many others.

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

In the first four entries (1 2 3 4) of this sequence, I have focused primarily on what LLMs aren’t, can’t, won’t, wouldn’t and shouldn’t. It’s probably time to conclude this series by that much awaited moment in all stories, where the darkest night finally turns into a glorious dawn, where we finally arrive at the promised land, where we finally get to talk about what LLMs could be. What I see as the most successful potential model of

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

There’s a style of visual design I’m inordinately fond of called Raygun Gothic. It’s hard to describe what the hell exactly one needs to be on to enjoy it, but think of it like the aesthetic from the latter Fallout games with a more optimistic outlook on the future. Gibson described it as “the future that never was”, and I think that’s a pretty apt description. We get these competing futures in technology all the time.

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

The temple of Asclepios, the Greek god of healing arts and medicine, at Epidaurus was pretty much the ancient Greek world’s equivalent of the Mayo Clinic. It then tells us a lot about the Greek worldview of healing that one of the things the temple complex prominently featured was a theatre. The Greeks believed in drama therapy, but in perhaps a slightly different way of how we think of it today.

Veröffentlicht in Living Pixel
Autor Casey Ydenberg

One of the most predictable trends in the ecology of humans is that as countries become wealthier, fertility rates decline. This means that even as mortality rates plummet and most people can expect to live into old age, the population of a country stabilizes and may even begin to shrink. The population of the world has been increasing exponentially for centuries. This period is now at an end.

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

Tip If you’re here for the DOI matching script, the link is here. Quarto is a great tool for reproducible research. It is also a great tool for building websites. After about a decade of Wordpress-based websites, I’ve moved to Quarto primarily for two reasons. First, most of my content is largely static.

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

I have probably spent more time looking at Poussin’s Dance to the Music of Time than any other work of art. Sneaking off to the Wallace Collection in London and just looking at the Dance was my comfort activity while living in London – a time that was not exactly devoid of its trials. It’s not, by any measure, great art, insofar as such judgments can be made with any objectivity.

Veröffentlicht in Chris von Csefalvay
Autor Chris von Csefalvay

Yesterday, I completed a marathon on the SkiErg, with a pretty respectable time (see results here). I know I can do better, and I know I will do better. On the other hand, this was a marathon where I pretty much did everything wrong. And that was sort of an instructive experience in its own right. The title is somewhat misleading. Not much went wrong – the marathon itself was smooth sailing.