Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

URIs are great for namespacing terms. However, the local names — after the last / — could be a free-for-all. One common convention — but not typically a contract — is to use upper camel case for rdfs:Class instances and lower camel case for rdf:Property instances. Is it useful to systematize the construction of local names? Emily Riederer argues yes.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

What is the “killer use case” for Reasoning, i.e., inferencing over a semantic graph database? Data in a relational database “knows nothing.” Data in a graph database “knows how it is connected” – you can ask an entity to tell you who its neighbors are 3 hops out, or if two pieces are connected up to 20 hops. Data with Reasoning “knows how to think.” But what does that mean exactly? What do you get?

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

I recently came across a procedure for achieving a flow state: One activity at a time. The activity is meaningful to you. You work at the edge of your abilities. I can’t recall the source of this. So, dear reader, please send me something I can cite if you have encountered this 3-step procedure elsewhere. In this post, I relate the above procedure to my recent post on mean-ing.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

It is better to have a large variety of firm rulers that feed into selection pressure for utility in some environment, than to have a few flexible ones for which your measurements aren’t consistent. Generate and test. Conjecture and refute. May there be a flowering of crisp attribute and entity specs. A flexible schema is like a rubber ruler.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

A traditional postdoc filler seeks to transition to a different role, that of professor or staff. What if someone were to specialize in this kind of role, e.g. for a certain kind of project in a certain kind (e.g. group size) of research environment? Such a position would be akin to the modern \(\approx\) 1-3 yr startup position specialized to a certain growth stage of a startup.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

A translucent overlay journal could publish FAIR assets based on existing open-access publications. Typically, an overlay journal is transparent – it is a window to selected already-available content. The value added to the existing body of content is that of curation. However, scholarly digital assets – data, algorithms, tools, workflows, etc. – that support the narratives expressed in many publications are often insufficiently FAIR.

Veröffentlicht in Donny Winston

The DIKW 1 decomposition expresses a layering of context on top of raw observations. Data points are attributes – components of facts. They are actuals (e.g., measured numbers) that can be connected to contexts. Information is data tied to context, i.e. processed data (“history”) that reduces uncertainty wrt what, when, where, and who.