Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Franziska Mau

Ende Mai traf sich die Community um das Forschungsinformationssystem HISinOne-RES in Berlin. Organisiert wurde die Veranstaltung von CRIS.NRW und der Geschäftsstelle der Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland (KFiD). Insgesamt nahmen 47 Personen teil, welche vor allem in Hochschulen tätig sind, die HISinOne-RES zur Erhebung und Verarbeitung von Forschungsaktivitäten nutzen oder über dessen Nutzung nachdenken.

Veröffentlicht in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

💡 This is a post in a series of Stories From My PhD. For background on this series, read the announcement post. Reading my emails from when I started my PhD, I see that I was full of a different kind of energy. Naive energy, sure, but also unencumbered by how things “were supposed to happen” or the ‘just’ in the “just the way things are.” I recently discovered an email that I received only two months into my PhD.

Veröffentlicht in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

Yesterday was the first of four listening sessions by the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy. These are specifically geared towards Early-Career Researchers (ECRs), which I guess I technically would still be had I stayed in academia. I had the opportunity to briefly participate and share some prepared remarks. Sharing those here to document my own thoughts and make them more accessible.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

In February, we ran a pilot ResearchEquals Cohort. Seven sessions spread over four weeks, and five cohort graduates. Regardless of whether we continue, this is a delightful memory already. We met fantastic folk, learned from one another, and had fun. We’ve had some space and time to reflect on this, and with that it’s high time to evaluate and announce when the next Cohort will take place.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Anna van ‘t Veer, Thed van Leeuwen, Dan Rudmann, Leo Waaijers, Ludo Waltman

Imagine academic publishing that is fast, transparent, and free. Is that a pipe dream or something within reach? We already have preprint publishing (fast), open peer review (transparent), and diamond/overlay journals (free). If we could connect these disparate initiatives, would that make our dream come true? And how could this best be done? These are questions that are currently being discussed by us and others at Leiden University.

Veröffentlicht in

Die EU-Wissenschaftsministerien haben sich auf ihrer heutigen Sitzung in Brüssel unter dem Titel “Council conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and equitable scholarly publishing” (PDF der englischen Version, PDF der deutschen Version) mit den aktuellen Herausforderungen des wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesens befasst.