Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics

Most researchers will only think of their Curriculum Vitae (CV) when an application deadline is nearing. Yet a recent wave of initiatives to introduce so-called narrative CV formats by research funding bodies and universities across Europe have created debate about the affordances of an otherwise taken-for-granted bureaucratic genre.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Chris Hartgerink, Sarahanne Field

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Welcome to the Open Update season three. I'm one of your hosts, Chris Hartgerink [00:00:11] Sarahanne Field: And I'm your other host, Sarahanne Field.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

In this blog, we explain what ResearchEquals Supporting Memberships are, why we are (re)introducing them, and how you can become an individual or institutional supporting member. It is clear to us that what we are doing with ResearchEquals is not a technological change, it is a social one — that means your involvement matters. What is a supporting membership? Supporting memberships are a community based approach to how ResearchEquals evolves.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

A decade ago, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment launched. I know I referenced it a lot in my efforts to improve research, and I bet many of you did too! It is with great pride I can announce Liberate Science is working with DORA to make their 10 year celebration a success. Specifically, we are supporting DORA and its community with event management. We help curate and scaffold incoming community sessions for success.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

🔈 This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on Welcome to the Open Update. I'm your host Chris Hartgerink and this week, we don’t have a regular episode for you. The last recording we did, ended up glitchy and unusable, and then we had health issues that prevented us from recording anything at all.

Veröffentlicht in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

💡 This is a post in a series of Stories From My PhD. For background on this series, read the announcement post. As a researcher you are bound to uphold certain standards of conduct. When I defended my PhD, I was reminded of that rather explicitly with the following statement before being awarded my degree: This statement was only introduced in the past decade, but I think a reminder like this is a simple and effective idea.

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautor(en)

Die Identifizierung von Publikationen, die auf Grundlage von Open-Access-Rechten (OA-Rechten) aus Allianz-, National- oder Konsortiallizenzen zweitveröffentlicht werden dürfen (green open access), ist bislang mit einem erheblichen, oft manuellen Arbeitsaufwand verbunden. Dazu zählt neben der Feststellung, an welchen Lizenzverträgen mit OA-Rechten die eigene Einrichtung teilnimmt, auch die Ermittlung der darin enthaltenen Zeitschriften.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autor Carey Ming-Li Chen

The trip to the 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022) in Granada, Spain, was my first international trip since I had finished my one-year research stay in Leiden and come back to Taiwan. When I learned that the STI 2022 conference would be held physically, I was very excited about returning to Europe and reconnecting with the colleagues over there.

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

In the slow, unpredictable world of journal publication, preprints—unreviewed published papers—offer a mechanism for rapidly communicating health research with the scholarly community. Historically, media coverage of preprints was discouraged in journalism, due to potential concerns about reporting flawed, biased, or provisional research.