Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab
Autor ScholCommLab

By Alice Fleerackers (Simon Fraser University) and Lauren A Maggio (Uniformed Services University of the Health Science) A story on gender inequity in scientific research industries. A deep dive into the daily rhythms of the immune system. A look at vaccine effectiveness for COVID-19 variants.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Leonie van Drooge, Carole de Bordes, Niki Vermeulen, Mayline Strouk

Researchers collaborate across borders and continents. Students go on exchange and go study abroad. Nothing new so far. Yet formalised international strategic partnerships between universities are more recent. These agreements include both research and education and cover a range of departments. And they are expected to contribute to strategic goals and have great impact.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

We will be organizing the 2023 edition of the Open Publishing Festival together with Coko. Save the date: 13-17 November 2023. Organizing the Open Publishing Festival aligns perfectly our virtual-first event policy. We got inspired by the Festival at the start of the pandemic, and are excited we will co-organize it. We will be expanding in the 2023 edition of the Open Publishing Festival!  If you are interested, please suggest a session.

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs

Nach nunmehr sieben Jahren legt die DINI AG Forschungsinformationssysteme (FIS) nach und veröffentlicht mit dem Dokument „Management von Forschungsinformationen in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen – Eine Standortbestimmung 2022“ eine Überarbeitung ihres Positionspapiers von 2016. Viele Aspekte aus dem ersten Positionspapier sind auch aus heutiger Sicht weiterhin aktuell, es werden jedoch zusätzlich zahlreiche neue Themen aufgegriffen.

Veröffentlicht in QDR Blog

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Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog

The Wikipedia entry for OpenCitations is woefully out of date, inaccurate and brief. As Directors of OpenCitations, Silvio and I are unable to improve this situation because of Wikipedia’s proper conflict-of-interest restriction on self-promotion. OpenCitations is actively seeking greater involvement from members of the global academic community, as explained in our Mission Statement.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Ismael Rafols, Ingeborg Meijer, Rodrigo Costas

Created in 1992, the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair programme is intended to support developing expertise in areas related to UNESCO’s mandate, such as education, culture, communication and the natural and social sciences. This network of over 850 institutions in 117 countries mobilises knowledge to address pressing societal challenges and contribute to development.