Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Serge Horbach, Michael Ochsner, Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner

The idea for this blog post emerged in the context of a special issue with the online journal Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics . We, a group of researchers that can broadly be associated with science & technology studies and meta-research, were invited by Frontiers to guest edit what they call a ‘Research Topic’, suggesting it could focus on innovations in peer review practices.

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs

Wenn Repositorienmanager*innen – zum Beispiel im Rahmen eines Zweitveröffentlichungsservices – regelmäßig Autor*innen dabei unterstützen, ihre (Closed-Access-) Inhalte frei zugänglich zu machen, wissen sie: Es gibt ganz viel Open-Access-Potential!

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Sascha Schönig

Several universities in the country have been either completely destroyed or damaged. Most recently, the central building of the Taras Shevchenko National University standing in the center of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv suffered from an explosion nearby. At the same time, the interview itself illustrated the dramatic circumstances of this process: the online-talk was disrupted by air raid siren alerts.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Ludo Waltman, Bianca Kramer

Why is it important that abstracts are made openly available? In a blog post that we published two years ago together with our colleague Aaron Tay, we discussed numerous ways in which open abstracts can be of great value. This includes scientific literature search, both using traditional query-based search tools and using more advanced text mining and visualization tools.

Veröffentlicht in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs

Am Donnerstag, den 6. Oktober 2022, fand der Online-Workshop „Gemeinsam zum DINI-Zertifikat 2022“ statt. Der von der DINI AG E-Pub organisierte Workshop wurde durchgeführt, um zum einen die Neuerungen im DINI-Zertifikat 2022 für Open-Access-Publikationsdienste vorzustellen. Zum andern wurde das aktualisierte Gemeinsame Vokabular präsentiert und auf die Verbindung mit dem Kerndatensatz Forschung eingegangen.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autor Ingeborg Meijer

The learnings have been presented and published in different shapes and forms, book chapters, working papers, reports, many deliverables, publications, and presentations. Here we present the breadth and depth of the work by linking it to the SUPER MoRRI blogpost series and turning them into an overarching story in two episodes.