Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

As governments across the world grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, several other urgent crises have taken a back seat.  Among them is the opioid epidemic. Here in Vancouver, BC, where almost half of our team is based, the effects of this second, fatal crisis are visible every day. Just this May, our province reported a record-breaking number of overdose-related deaths: 170 in a single month, or about 5.5 a day.

Veröffentlicht in FIS & EPub

Jetzt ist es endlich soweit! Nach längeren Planung und einem neuen Erscheinungsbild ist der Weblog der DINI AG FIS jetzt auch der Blog der DINI AG E-Pub. Wir freuen uns Ihnen jetzt Neuigkeiten und Beiträge aus den Themen der beiden AGs anbieten zu können, die sich auch immer mal wieder überschneiden werden. Das war auch ein Grund für diesen Schritt – die Gemeinsamkeiten bei den Themen.

Veröffentlicht in FIS & EPub
Autor Paul Vierkant

Mit dem DINI-Zertifikat für Open-Access-Publikationsdienste 2019 der Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI) ist Ende letzten Jahres die mittlerweile sechste Auflage des national und international anerkannten Standards für Informationsinfrastrukturen veröffentlicht worden.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Elias Koch

International mobility is key for a career in academia (Bauder 2020, 2015; Geuna 2015; González Ramos and Bosch 2013; Ivancheva and Gourova 2011; OECD 2008; Bos et al. 2019). Early career researchers who did not study abroad, do not attend international conferences or go on field trips outside of their countries often find it difficult to reach the next step in obtaining tenure (Toader et al. 2016; Ackers and Oliver 2007;

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics

Barry Bozeman’s new article on ‘Public Value Science’ raises one of the most fundamental questions in science policy: Who benefits from science? His answer is clear: right now the benefits tend to go to the rich while the ­negative impacts, such as unemployment or pollution, differentially affect the poor.

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

Want to make online readings a little more engaging? Social annotation (SA) may offer one solution. SA tools allow students to highlight and comment on online course materials, sharing questions and ideas with each other as they read. When used effectively, they can help boost student motivation, reading comprehension, and more.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autor Jennifer D'Souza

Search has long been revolutionized by knowledge-graph-powered services such as the Amazon Marketplace in e-commerce, or Open Street Maps in the cartography and navigation services domains, to name just two examples. Inspired by such knowledge graph (KG) success stories in the general domain, such technology is now being realized over scholarly knowledge as well.

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

*How did modern science communication begin? How has it evolved from one country to the next? What social, political, and economic forces inspired those changes? * Published this week by ANU Press, Communicating Science: A Global Perspective explores all of these questions and more.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Elias Koch

Jayat Joshi An old yet powerful principle has emerged from the COVID-19 crisis. It was introduced to the West in the writings of Carl G. Jung, and has its roots in the works of the pre-Socratic Greeks: enantiodromia (enantios – opposite and dromos – running course) (Jung 1968). Put simply, this means when something is pushed to the extreme, it tends to turn into its opposite.