Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Why is there an association between open access publishing and ‘the commons’? What is it about the two concepts that implies they are linked? I’m currently researching the relationship between the commons and OA, looking specifically at the application of the literature of the former to our understanding of the latter, and it is not immediately obvious why the two are so connected.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

How can crowdsourcing foster innovations in science? In general, the crowd’s diversity and the sheer number of (potential) contributors have been found to increase the likelihood of finding a novel solution (e.g., Jeppesen & Lakhani, 2010) and the chances of finding the best solution (e.g., Boudreau, Lacetera & Lakhani, 2011) to an innovation-relevant problem.

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Mit der “Open-Access-Strategie des Landes Brandenburg” (PDF) legt heute ein weiteres Bundesland ein Policy-Dokument zur Gestaltung des Transformationsprozesses hin zu Open Access vor.  Das Dokument, welches heute in Potsdam vorgestellt wurde, beschreibt den Handlungsbedarf auf für die Akteursgruppen Forschende, Hochschulen, Hochschulbibliotheken sowie für die Landesregierung selbst.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

In an influential series of opinion pieces published in early 2014 (see introductory comment by Macleod et al., 2014), the medical journal The Lancet tackled the issue of “increasing value, reducing waste” in biomedical research. This series laid out in detail the issues that had led Chalmers & Glasziou to conclude in 2009 that 85% of investment in biomedical research was wasted.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

As the initiator of the movement “Scientists for future,” could you give us a “peek behind the scenes”: How did you come up with the idea and how did the concept evolve? Like many others, I was concerned by the slow progress of the sustainability agenda. That is, not just climate change, but also, for example, biodiversity loss, loss of soils, food security, and questions of human rights and justice.