Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

You are offering workshops where researchers can learn how to achieve more impact with their work outside of academia. Why is this important? I have been providing training on knowledge translation, otherwise known as impact pathways, and research impact for the last five years to build the capacity of researchers and research support staff.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

How does the word ‘open’ modify terms such as ‘data’, ‘source’ ‘access’ and ‘science’? What is openness actually doing to these terms? This seems to be a subject of continual debate on social media, at conferences and in the scholarly literature. For the most part, it seems that the debate has moved on from the idea that there can be a strict definition of open access, data, etc.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

Why should prevention of power abuse and supervision conflicts be considered as a matter of good scientific practice? The application of good scientific practice aims to ensure that science is, without exception pursued in accordance with the highest standards of the respective scientific field.  Thereby a sustainable evolution of the science ecosystem should be achieved and its credibility and reputation in society maintained.

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Bereits letzte Woche kommunizierte die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), sie habe “ihre Empfehlungen zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis sowie die Verfahrensordnung zum Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten (VerfOwF) grundlegend überarbeitet.” Seit heute Nachmittag ist der Kodex, der bereits am 1.8.2019 in Kraft tritt, online.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

The Radical Open Access Collective (ROAC) is a community of 60+ not-for-profit presses, journals and other open access projects. One of the aims of the collective is to legitimise scholar-led publishing as an important alternative model for open access, while supporting our members and encouraging others to experiment with scholar-led publishing too.

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Die seit längerem bekannten Bestrebungen, eine internationale und offene ID für Institutionen im Forschungsumfeld zu schaffen, sind in ROR ( gemündet. Wer ist ROR Hinter ROR stehen aktuell die vier Organisationen Crossref, DataCite, Digital Science und der California Digital Library. Besonders sichtbar nach aussen ist Maria Gould von der CDL.

Veröffentlicht in FIS & EPub
Autor Sebastian Herwig

An der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Verwaltung spannt sich das breite Aufgabenfeld von ForschungsreferentInnen und WissenschaftsmanagerInnen auf. Es reicht von der Antragsberatung für Fördermittel und Careerservice über die Betreuung von Graduiertenschulen bis hin zum Qualitätsmanagement sowie Wissens- und Technologietransfer.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Nataliia sokolovska

Can ethics in science be global and why is this topic relevant currently? One of the main recurrent debates in the Global Ethics research team (GEST) has been whether ethics can be at all “global”. My opinion is that not only it could but it should. Notwithstanding the significant differences that we easily witness in cultural, social norms and behaviour, we are faced with a strongly interconnected and interdependent world.

Veröffentlicht in QDR Blog

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Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Philip Nebe

Doing research and getting paid for it is fantastic, but how to do that sustainably and maintain the interest of research funders? Even funders themselves cannot give a definite answer, but some trends can be pointed out. Admittedly, there are still universities and academic systems where nepotism and feudal-like arrangements rule, and the points made here do not concern them.