Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Kristian Garza on Medium

Picture, if you will, the labyrinthine world of academic information management, where metadata schema mapping serves as a vital underpinning for the exchange and intermingling of data across diverse platforms and systems. This arena has long been dominated by the venerable metadata schema crosswalk, which, though serviceable, has begun to show its age.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

Gothenburg, Sweden played host to the Research Data Alliance (RDA) RDA20 plenary from March 20th to 24th 2023. A hybrid event with most sessions recorded and made available via the Whova app for registered participants. Recordings will be made available on Monday, 1 May 2023 to the wider community.

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autor Michelle Barker, Domhnall Carlin, Jeremy Cohen, Eric A. Jensen, Catherine M. Jones, Carlos Martinez Ortiz and Dan Rudmann

June 2024 By Michelle Barker, Domhnall Carlin, Jeremy Cohen, Eric A. Jensen, Catherine M. Jones, Carlos Martinez Ortiz and Dan Rudmann 1 Introduction Advocating for, initiating and supporting policy change can be a major challenge. This is especially true in large organisations with longstanding structures and complex operational models that have been established over, sometimes, many years or even decades.

Veröffentlicht in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

Version 4.5 of the DataCite Metadata Schema\ includes several changes supporting the identification and description of instruments. Several DataCite members were describing instruments in DataCite metadata before this capability was introduced and others are beginning to do it now. These existing efforts can inform the development of community conventions and help the broader community understand how to use instrument metadata effectively.

Veröffentlicht in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Autor Karsten Schuldt

Christoph Szepanski, Karsten Schuldt 1. Collaboration 2. Mindmap 3. Cloud 4. Grid 5. Forschungsdatenmanagement 6. Semantic Web 7. Raum 8. Patron Driven Acquisition 9. Apps 10. Smartphone 11. Projektmanagement 12. Qualitätssicherung 13. Evaluation 14. Co-Working 15. RDA 16. Facebook-Bashing 17. Search Engine Optimization 18. Social Place 19. Golden-Ager 20. Re-Thinking [whatever] 21. Context 22. Data Driven Service 23. Document 24. Camp

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

As part of the FAIRsharing Community Network (see previous blog) and joint Force11 and Research Data Alliance (RDA) FAIRsharing Working Group we have been involved in efforts to develop a shared, cross-publisher list of recommended data deposition repositories. The first fruits of these are a preprint from the working group and DataCite (of which we are also members) summarising what we feel should be the key criteria for selection.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

On July 12, 2016, DataCite invited Andreas Rauber to present the recommendations for dynamic data citation of the RDA Data Citation Working Group in a webinar. Andreas is one of the co-chairs of the RDA working group, and he gave a throughout overview of the recommendations, and the thinking that went into them. The final recommendations are available since last fall, and the current focus of the working group is to help with implementations.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

The Research Data Alliance 6th Plenary last week discussed numerous topics very relevant to DataCite. Below is a short subjective list of topics I found interesting. If you attended RDA, feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. And if you didn't attend, you can still provide feedback.

Veröffentlicht in Front Matter

One of my personal highlights in last week's Research Data Alliance (RDA) 6th Plenary Meeting in Paris was the Data Packages Birds of a Feather (BoF), organized by Rufus Pollock from the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN). He highlighted the urgent need for packacking data in a standard format to facilitate reuse, and described the extensive work the OKFN has done on data packages.

Veröffentlicht in Daniel S. Katz's blog

This is a third (and last) in a series of short (ok, the first and second were actually short, even if this one isn’t) blogs related to talks and discussions at the 10th RDA Plenary. Software Heritage Software Heritage (as described in a recent white paper) is a really interesting and very ambitious project that started (or at least was announced) last summer.