Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Flavours of Open

DOI: I nvited ignition talk at the Leibniz Research Alliance OpenScience research symposium “Open Practices IN Education (OPINE)”, November 14-15, 2019, Frankfurt/Main (Germany). Slides: Links: symposium abstracts available online on Zenodo extended bibliography, see the open library at Zotero Abstract Today, and more than ever, “Open” is en vogue and yum! – a

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Silvio Peroni

OpenCitations is managed by the newly formed Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata at the University of Bologna. The new International Advisory Board for OpenCitations is formally part of the Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata. The Board has been created to assist the Directors of OpenCitations by providing stakeholder community input that will guide the future activities and direction of OpenCitations.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Chiara Di Giambattista

If you are a leader of a Library or a Research Institution and would like to learn more about the existing open infrastructures that could help your institution to evolve in the research environment, but you don’t know where to look for, you can now use Infra Finder, a brand-new tool aimed at foster discovery, adoption, and investment for open infrastructure services.

Veröffentlicht in Flavours of Open

Dies ist ein re-post eines im Open-Media-Studies-Blog der Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft erschienenen dreiteiligen Beitrags. DOI:   Der vorliegende Beitrag nahm im ersten Teil eine Einordnung von scholar-led publishing und dessen Situierung im Kontext von Open Access vor.

Veröffentlicht in Flavours of Open

Dies ist ein re-post eines im Open-Media-Studies-Blog der Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft erschienenen dreiteiligen Beitrags. DOI: Publikationskulturen sind im Wissenschaftsbetrieb ähnlich vielfältig wie die ihnen zugrundeliegenden Forschungskulturen.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Silvio Peroni

Several things and events happened during the past month and a half which involved us directly as a participant. Here we introduce some of the most significant ones: a) our interview during a Fireside Chat at the Open Publishing Fest; b) the SCOSS presentation of a poster about us during LIBER 2020; c) the two new short-term open positions (application deadline: 23 July 2020) for our Wellcome Trust funded project;

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog

On 9th January 2018, I published a World View article in Nature entitled ***Funders should mandate open citations ***[1], in which I argue that access to open references from scholarly publications is so important that, when encouragements from organisations such as the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) to publishers to open their references fall on deaf ears, then sterner measures are required.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog

OpenCitations [1], the EXCITE Project [2] and Europe PubMed Central [3] are pleased to announce a Workshop on Open Citations at the University of Bologna in Bologna, Italy [4] on 3-5 September – Format and topics Day One and Day Two: Formal presentations and discussions on the creation, availability, uses and applications of open bibliographic citations, and of bibliometric studies based upon