Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Maëlle Salmon, Scott Chamberlain

More and more R packages access resources on the web, and play crucial roles in workflows.Examples from the rOpenSci suite of packages include rromeo, GSODR, qualtRics, rnassqs, and many, many others.Like for all other packages, appropriate unit testing can make them more robust.However, unit testing of these packages can bring special challenges: dependence of tests on a good internet connection, testing in the absence of authentication

Veröffentlicht in Economics from the Top Down
Autor Blair Fix

Exciting news! Capital as Power — the seminal text written by Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler — is now available for free as both an epub and online book. Full disclosure: the typesetter was yours truly. What’s Capital as Power ? And why did I make a free ebook version? Read on to find out. You must unlearn what you have learned 1 I don’t talk much on this blog about my personal journey.

After soliciting, reviewing, and publishing over 100 blog posts and tech notes by rOpenSci community members, we have created the rOpenSci Blog Guide for Authors and Editors to address many frequently asked questions and frequently given suggestions. Technically, we structured the content as a bookdown gitbook.