Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

When GitHub announced support for CITATION.cfffiles I though ofcreating a package that would assist R developers in this matter. I was alreadyusing codemetar for most of my packages,so I was familiar with the creation of these kind of metadata files.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Jeroen Ooms

At rOpenSci, we encourage R package developers to take advantage of Continuous Integration services to automatically check the package on different platforms, with different versions of R. The rOpenSci dev guide dedicates chapter 2 to the topic of Continuous Integration Best Practices , and recommends a few common CI vendors, including Travis CI. Travis CI has been a pioneer in free public CI services, and made the concept popular in the

Veröffentlicht in lab.sub - Articles
Autor Mathias Göbel

When writing code at some point we want to highlight a specific state, we want to celebrate reaching a new milestone and usually this is the moment to prepare a release . Nowadays when we all are about to use git, it is quite common to utilize tags for this. A tag points to a specific commit, it is a persistent shortcut to this point of the development.