Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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In 2011 I wrote a short post about DeepDyve, a service where you could rent access to an article. DeepDyve has launched a "5-Minute Freemium" service where you can view an article online for 5 minutes, for free. You have to log in, either with DeepDyve or using Facebook, but no actual money changes hands. If you want to read for longer, or download an article then you have to get out your credit card.I've added support for DeepDyve to BioNames.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Bit late, but I stumbled across DeepDyve, which provides rental access to scientific papers for as little as $0.99. The pitch to publishers is:Renting a paper means you get to read it online, but you can't print or download it, and access is time limited (unless you purchase the article outright). You can also purchase monthly plans (think Spotify for papers).It's an interesting model, and the interface looks nice.